Doc is on Snider's Side and Arod's on his own.
Bastian had a great Doc story today:
Roy Halladay headed over to the snack cart and reached into the bucket of gum to grab a few pieces. As he walked away, Doc accidentally dumped the entire bucket and its hundreds of Double Bubble pieces all over the ground. Without as much as a flinch, Doc kept walking and left the mess in front of the clubhouse exit.
Not 10 seconds later, rook Travis Snider heads over and gets on hands and knees and begins picking up all the gum, completely knowing his role. As he was reaching under the cart to retrieve every last piece, Doc walked by and had the biggest grin you've ever seen the guy have.
"You're all over it, Snider," Halladay said with a laugh as he headed out to the field.
"It's a good start to the day," said Snider to the group of us reporters standing there enjoying the whole scene. "I got Doc on my side."
I sort of feel like, had I been there, I would have given Doc a look. Like, clean up your mess, Roy! It wasn't one or two gums, it was "hundreds".But clearly, he has underlings for that shit. And I wish I had a snack cart.