What's not to like?

The 9-3 whopping the Jays put on the Yankees last night was damn satisfying. That Joba kid, without a doubt, has stuff. Plus the story of him coming off a reserve in the States and being one of the first aboriginal pitchers in the big leagues, makes me kind of root for him. That being said, it is amusing as all get out watching the Yankees try to improvise some sort of staff out of the dregs they have in their employ. The kid also totally looks like The Babe.

Doc was seriously awesome last night. He wasn't particularly efficient, but pitching to the patient Yankees and not getting any edges from the ump will run up the pitch count. There was one that the ump had a total brain cramp on, because that sucker bisected the plate.

Tallet, given a 7-run cushion, needs to go after guys more aggressively. And if Brad Wilkerson tries to steal 3rd again, ever, it is so on. 2nd base is scoring position too, Brad.

Rowdy Rod Barajas kicked ass last night, and I'm sure made Zaun cry in his breakfast.