Today was Picture Day. Or, as I call it, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Day.
Sadly, neither Vikings nor French Canadians were present at this photo shoot. I don't know where they were at, but hopefully that will be rectified soon. There must be a Day 2 because the smiling fool in the John Lott photo above isn't in this group, either.
I love how they keep making him do this with his face like it's a natural thing.
Judging from many of the pictures from today, the Jays have many seemingly interchangeable white guys now. This one is called Steve Pearce.
How someone can be so filthy on the mound and yet so guileless in the face is amazing to me. Will the wonders cease? This is the face of a boy who says, "Gosh!" a lot.
The lighting and angles on some of these things are terrible. Devon Travis is a good looking kid and this is just mean. Powder is your friend, people.
Also, what are you looking at??!?!?!?!
We used to have two large, taciturn Dominicans. We are down to one.
He looks a little sad. It's ok, Cisco, you get to throw to Russell all season this year.
"Don't talk to me or my son again."
"Osuna needs braces!" "Dental plan!"
Also, rectify that situation on your chin, immédiatement