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Circumstances: What's to be Done With This José Bautista?

José, when are you going to give up this crazy umpire scheme?

Never, Joanna. Never. I can't live the button-down life like you. I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles. Sure, I might offend a few of the bluenoses with my cocky stride and musky odors - oh, I'll never be the darling of the so-called "baseball media” who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about ‘What's to be done with this José Bautista?’ “

Actually, Mike Vorkunov, if that is your real name, Bautista didn't imply that there were "circumstances" working against the Jays. 

That's not as fun a story. 

Here are some circumstances to consider:

Why is Laz Diaz, notoriously inconsistent, calling balls and strikes in a high prestige game like the ALCS?

Other circumstances:

Bautista is not an idiot. 

From Jays Journal's Keegan Matheson:

Other circumstances:

This from ESPN, which posits that Bautista might actually have a point. 

Other circumstances?

Findlay is the best, guys.

Bautista is hitting lead off for Game 3.

Jonah Keri busted out some emojis to celebrate:


Pep talk from the catcher:

Ostie d’calvaire, ostie d’ciboire
Câlisse de tabarnak

Ostie d’crisse de tabarnak
Ostie d’câlisse de viarge

Luke Cage swear jar. 

I used the header image on purpose, because a lot of American media used it for their Bautista pieces. I thought it was hilarious because it's actually Edwin Encarnacion arguing and Bautista trying to settle him down. Also, Laz Diaz's body language is hilarious. Way to deescalate. 

Raphael Saadiq. 

I'm your lover man and I won't let go
I wanna stay with you, you can lock the door