But Then I Just Smile
Smile, and get manhandled by very large men. Encarnacion's hitting .348/.458/.629 since the All Star Break.
Vernon Wells returned over the weekend. He hit a homer the first pitch he saw, and I rejoiced. I got over it when I remembered Ervin Santana owns the Jays, and that is exactly what he did.
Wells got a nice ovation from the crowd, and looked visibly moved when he stepped out and tipped his hat.
"I didn't think there would be much but there was and I just tried to enjoy it an obviously not be a crybaby at home plate. It's just a moment I'll never forget."
"I didn't think there would be much but there was and I just tried to enjoy it an obviously not be a crybaby at home plate. It's just a moment I'll never forget."
It would've been so awesome if he started crying, just for the event of it. Hitting a homer on the first pitch was ok, too. Vernon goofed around a bit with Romero (who was throwing peanuts at him in the on deck circle) and he brought his whole family to Toronto for the weekend.
For a weekend I was dreading because we had to face some of the best pitchers in the game, going 2 for 3 was a pleasant event. I haven't seen Dan Haren pitch very often, and I've got to say it's a bit of a drag. His motion includes this leg kick where he suspends it in the air for a beat or two. It's probably his trick to throw off the timing of the batters or is just a way that he makes sure he loads properly. Watching pitchers with great, fluid mechanics is like watching a dance. It can be quite beautiful.
AA is trying to get his top draft pick Tyler Beede signed before the deadline, and apparently the two are a part by millions.
Jeez, kid. I know it is hard, but it's a young team going places, it's probably some nice bank and you can go to college later if things don't work out. College at 18 is kind of overrated. Trust me.
Jeez, kid. I know it is hard, but it's a young team going places, it's probably some nice bank and you can go to college later if things don't work out. College at 18 is kind of overrated. Trust me.