But Then I Just Smile

Smile, and get manhandled by very large men. Encarnacion's hitting .348/.458/.629 since the All Star Break.

Vernon Wells returned over the weekend. He hit a homer the first pitch he saw, and I rejoiced. I got over it when I remembered Ervin Santana owns the Jays, and that is exactly what he did.

Wells got a nice ovation from the crowd, and looked visibly moved when he stepped out and tipped his hat.

"I didn't think there would be much but there was and I just tried to enjoy it an obviously not be a crybaby at home plate. It's just a moment I'll never forget."

It would've been so awesome if he started crying, just for the event of it. Hitting a homer on the first pitch was ok, too. Vernon goofed around a bit with Romero (who was throwing peanuts at him in the on deck circle) and he brought his whole family to Toronto for the weekend.

For a weekend I was dreading because we had to face some of the best pitchers in the game, going 2 for 3 was a pleasant event. I haven't seen Dan Haren pitch very often, and I've got to say it's a bit of a drag. His motion includes this leg kick where he suspends it in the air for a beat or two. It's probably his trick to throw off the timing of the batters or is just a way that he makes sure he loads properly. Watching pitchers with great, fluid mechanics is like watching a dance. It can be quite beautiful.

AA is trying to get his top draft pick Tyler Beede signed before the deadline, and apparently the two are a part by millions.

Jeez, kid. I know it is hard, but it's a young team going places, it's probably some nice bank and you can go to college later if things don't work out. College at 18 is kind of overrated. Trust me.