
Baseball Rules- Rule 8.05 (e)

A quick pitch is an illegal pitch. Umpires will judge a quick pitch as one delivered before the batter is reasonably set in the batter's box. With runners on base the penalty is a balk; with no runners on base, it is a ball. The quick pitch is dangerous and should not be permitted.

Jose Bautista got quick pitched by Luke Hochevar, who demonstrated a sneaky way to get around that bat. Bautista was half out of the box and Hochevar sped up his delivery, threw a strike and Bautista was caught looking and confused. As soon as I heard "quick pitch", I looked up the rule. I knew it was vaguely not allowed, but not that the rule is stated in that way.

The trick is is that needs to actually be called. It's one of those annoying "judgement of the umpire" things.

I schooled Mike Wilner on this rule in his in game chat. He had his doubts, and then I cited the rule. And he read it and said, "You are right."

Well, duh, Mike. I am at that Wilner/Davidi chat most days and I find it enjoyable/maddening. The daily questions about Dustin McGowan, phrased by people like they think they are the first person to ask about him and like they can't google "McGowan".

Bautista is in a mini-slump in the power department. It wouldn't be a slump for mere mortals, but for Bautista, it has caused people to be alarmed. It also makes him say things like this,"It's not that I'm starting late, it's my load that's making me late."

When taken out of context, that sentence is strange. Even in context, that sentence is strange. His load is making him late. Did your load make you late to work?

Anyway, Ricky Romero was the hard luck starter yesterday. Pitched beautifully and had some bad luck. Kansas City is pretty good.

The Red Sox are in first place and are rolling in to town for the weekend, so it's a pretty big must win type of situation. I just want to give a shout out to the New York Yankees, who are currently in a rain delay situation with the Sox, but haven't yet.

*This was half written last night. Red Sox won 8-3. But hopefully they will be very, very tired.