Just a quick note to thank all of you for reading this past season. It was probably the most fun season since I began this blog.

Thanks to the players for being so weird. Cito, for being so stubborn and so smooth. Jose for the dingers and the ears, Morrow, Marcum and Romero for the 1 hits. Vernon for being good again and for lighting Marcum's foot on fire that one time. Lyle for keeping his chin up and playing awesome, awesome first base (Albino power 4 ever) and to Scott Downs for being so damn dominant, even when falling literally on his face, for signing his kids names on the mound and for being a rock solid dude out of the pen. Happy trails.

To Buck Martinez for that home run call and the mountain of hair, to Pat Tabler for saying "Strong....so strong" a lot, to Rance Mulliniks for the olden days with Buck stories.

To all my fellow bloggers...whatever his name is at Ghostrunner, Eyebleaf, Tao, Blue Jay Hunter, Parkes/Stoeten at DJF.

To my Twitter friends....especially SFindlay, Mererog, powder_blue (for the pen updates and the unabashed love for John Buck's catcher thighs), and Archizuber (date report coming soon.)

To the dudes on the Score Liveblogs I am never asked to host. Thanks for letting me swear and for the talk. To the dudes at the Score for asking me to join this whole Sports Federation.

To Mike Wilner and all his chatters on Miked Up. Mike for reading this blog and for calling me wise, and to his chatters who stubbornly refuse to like Cito , who beat a dead horse until it is glue and always ask Wilner to google stuff.