Just a Little Earth-Shaking
I skipped posting on the Colorado series. Litsch was pink, round and not ready for prime time. Do you have an out pitch, boy? I'm going to pretend that it didn't happen. By the way, they got swept in Coors Field before and they had Roy Halladay then.
But then last night, the Jays played like May's Jays and all seemed right in the world. John Buck hit, Aaron Hill hit, Shaun Marcum pitched. The only thing that was different was that there was an earthquake. John Buck didn't feel it. Scott Downs didn't feel it. Shaun Marcum, in the cluhouse, said that he thought it was Downs sitting down. I think that is some sort of comment on Scott Downs' big ass, but I'm not sure.
Buck Martinez and Rance Mulliniks, both of California, knew right away what it was. Ricky Romero, straight outta Compton (well, not really. But no one wrote a song called Straight Outta East LA)and the veteran of many a quake, thought the reaction of some was amusing, "This was just a little earth-shaking. It’s not even that bad."