The Stud Gospels

Because the 2010 season has been tauted as a rebuilding season (btw, press, this whole 'It was hard to learn and prove yourself when Doc was here' is horseshit. Stop it. He was an excellent example. Doing 1/2 of what he did would be enough for many pitchers to be successful.) it is important to look for other things to kvetch about than the wins and losses.

Jon Lester is a stud. He is huge, he's a lefty, his curve is sick, his change is what some fastballs are, and he is anti-cancer. To hear that he was passed over in favour of drafting Russ Adams and Dave Bush by a certain former GM is a bit disturbing. I don't totally hold it against that guy because it is often difficult to see what the future will bring. But I have learned in the past from people in the know that the lefty with a pulse is perhaps the most valuable commodity in baseball. They will always be tradeable because teams always want them, and they will always find work because teams always want them. Looking towards the future (cause that's how we roll in 2010), I just hope AA makes wiser decisions. Cause I had some envy last night, after watching Lester tie our boys up in knots.

The Drunks have issues with the roof. I don't really give a shit, since I watch most of my games at home, but from what I understand is that the roof doesn't open all the time because if they did and it got effin' cold, it might get stuck open (kind of like how when you wash your car in the winter and the doors freeze shut.) So sitting in the cold is not really what concerns the Rog Mahal, it's having the roof get messed up. But like I said, I don't really care.