We're Winning. Let's Bitch.

Doc was great today. Totally lobster red and kitten-eating. He struck some dude out on three straight curves. Why? Cause he can.

And Cliff Lee was not so hot. Leave that Cy Young in visitor's clubhouse, Cliff.

Adam Lind hit. He's at 12 RBIs. He's a beast. Offense is so nice.

And then BJ came in and all hell broke loose. Yes, it was ugly, tense and not a lot of control was demonstrated. And 3 runs were cashed and teeth gnashed. Insults flew.

And yes, it was ugly but I am not quite ready to cash in my BJ chips. Relief pitching is fickle and elusive. Jason Frasor is being hailed as a saviour (Jesus with a changeup, if you will) but he shat the bed when Beej had the Teej and Acorn took over. Acorn, who is now in Vegas. Also, in the marathon the night before, Tallet k'd the side one inning, and lost it. Carlson, League and Camp threw maybe 6 strikes between them. League drilled a kid in the ass, which cashed in the tying run. I'm guessing that ass bruise has seams. But, as I said, offense is nice.

So, I still have faith in the Beej to pull through. But maybe I'm drunk. Drunk on offense.

I also noticed that SOSH has a thread that mentions my blog. I'm guessing they haven't read this or this
But they also say DJF is the best. Oh yeah, that's original.