In other news...Manny lives the dream

Instead of talking about hanging sliders and getting beat by a guy with a porno stache, let's talk about grown men fighting like little girls.

There was more than one rumble at Fenway yesterday. Shields vs Coco. Coco taking a few steps down to first, to get the behemoth-like Navarro off his tail before charging the mound. Crawford scratching Coco's face and pulling his hair. Iwamura, who was the recipient of the dirty slide Coco made that preceded the whole deal, getting in on the slapping. Suspensions, fines, post game trash talking. Coco said "little girl" so often you'd think he was R Kelly.

But the best part? Later in the game, Pukelis used his giant chin to run his mouth at Manny. And what does Manny do? He lived the dream of every Jays fan. He bitch-slapped Kevin Youkelis. And the two had to be separated. Tito tries to play it down, Pedroia talked about everyone loving each other.

The reason for it all? I think Manny stuck in the dugout during the brawl, and Kevin's facial hair took offense, something about standing up for Coco, when Coco should've probably taken it (it was in the leg) and taken his base. Plunk for dirty slide, fair is fair. Plus, Manny had 5 RBIs in the game, which the Sox won 7-1. Furthermore, Carl Crawford, in addition to being a Jay killer, is a hair puller. Manny's dreads don't need to get mixed up with that shit.

So in conclusion: Shut up, Kevin.