F the Devil Rays

Fuck 'em.

Dustin "Peaches" McGowan pitched beautifully Friday night and the Jays won it. Unfortunately, that's all they would get in the win department this weekend. AJ Burnett renewed the feelings of baseball love I felt towards him earlier in the year by taking a 7 strike-out, 4-1 lead to the 9th, only to have Acorn hand all of it back and then some. The shots of AJ looking like he was getting kneed in the privates on the bench right before BJ Upton hit the walkoff were a nice touch, Sportsnet. And then Jesse Litsch, in his hometown, lost 3-2. No idea what happened, it wasn't on tv. But I'm just going to go right ahead and blame it on the offense. And what the heck, I'll blame Gibby, too. And to follow a recent trend in the Jaystown blogosphere, I'm going blame Richard Griffin. Cause he's a Dick, in more ways than one.

As for the Troy fiasco, I don't know what to think. But that media scrum when he nearly cried while saying "no comment" and taking big sighs was painful. Blech.