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the difference between being hurt and really being hurt.

This week in WTF, JP? asks

So JP called out Burnett for being injured and basically told him to man up or be the "4th starter". Oh, the stupidity. AJ needs work, and still learning how to pitch. But telling him to pitch through the pain and sort of questioning his manhood is completely ridiculous. If it's mental, than talk to him and work it out. Don't act like it's completely out of your hands.

Sager, over at Out of Left Field, sums it up perfectly

"Fans could accept that Burnett being a little bit hurt is like a woman being a lil' bit pregnant. There's no such thing with him. No one, even people in the game, knows what all goes into pitching and keeping a guy's arm healthy, so why shouldn't Burnett get benefit of the doubt if he says he's hurt, especially after the workload the Jays put on him a month ago?"