To Me, You've Always Been Perfect
Brett Cecil, who I now call 'Cec' (pronounced like cease in cease and desist) pitched himself a dandy of a game to get his 5th win of the season. Quite a lot of chuck in your hum today, Cec.
Lyle Overbay demonstrated why we haven't added feathers to the tar. And Vernon Wells prompted one of the most amusing emotional flip flops I have seen in a while. Game tied, Cito comes over and gives the customary day is done handshake. Cec gets a little pissy, and throws his chew to the ground disgustedly. Vernon Wells takes a hanging breaking ball and introduces it to the Level of Excellence. Cec, now all smiles, while Bruce Walton comes over to make fun of his petulant ass.
There is a certain level of hilarity in baseball. That was illustrated in a LA vs Seattle game. Kendry Morales hits a beautiful walk off grand slam. And then gets injured in the celebratory pile up. ETA- Apparently, Morales broke his leg. Handshakes now, boys. Or just spank each other.
There is a certain level of extreme danger in baseball. That was illustrated in New York when Alex Rodriguez drilled a line drive off of the Indians' David Huff. It was ugly and it was scary. Show Pony trotted over, very concerned. Huff never lost consciousness, was taken to the hospital and has a golf ball shaped souvenir on his temple.
What else happened? Let me think. Oh, just this....
ROY HALLADAY PITCHED A PERFECT GAME. It was beautiful, and so well deserved. But it is really just a reminder that we had the best pitcher in baseball on our side. He pitched many games just as beautiful. I watched him 1 hit the Yankees in person.last September. Halladay has been perfect for most of the past decade. Only now everybody knows it. Best pitcher in baseball. Signed, sealed, delivered.