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He Don't Need A Changeup: Offence Blows Sanchez's Brilliance.

What image illustrates my thoughts about last night’s game?


Dexter Fowler's child in a swing.

Who among us can't relate to the baseball themed hoodie, the adorable shoes and the complete and total disdain for the bullshit being witnessed?

The pressing when the bases were loaded in the top of the ninth was awful. It was rough watching people who are so good at something be so bad. There was a lot of hand wringing last night about leg kicks, and timing and not executing or taking smart at bats.  A lot of “Oh the humanity!”

I don't know why they were so bad. All I know for sure is they were some kind of tight last night. That kind of pressing isn’t conducive to success.

Pillar to

The other issue I had was the bottom of the ninth. Osuna comes in with a man on to face Miguel Cabrera. The game was 2-1. Cabrera hits a not terrible pitch for an RBI double. The game is tied. 

People freaked out at Martin and Osuna. And somehow fail to remember Miguel Cabrera. Everyone forgot Cabrera.

Multiple time MVP Miguel Cabrera.

Four time AL Batting Champion

Supernaturally good at hitting Miguel Cabrera.

Future first ballot Hall of Famer Miguel Cabrera.

You know, Miguel freakin' Cabrera.

How about just putting him on? Intentionally walk Cabrera.

There are a few reasons:

It sets up the double play. Cabrera isn’t going to run.

If they pinch run for him, he’s out of the game. That's good. 

And if they don’t, he’s going to have a hard time scoring from first on anything that isn’t in the seats.

What is the problem?

The Tigers did it to Josh Donaldson in the top of the ninth. The Jays intentionally walked Victor Martinez immediately after Cabrera to set up the double play.

I mean, really. 

Miguel Cabrera had all sorts of nice things to say about Jays starter Aaron Sanchez.

He don't need a changeup.

Here's Russell talking about Sanchez.

I agree about the secondary pitches. Sanchez's curveball is a thing of beauty. Lots of guys have big time fastballs, it's the secondary stuff that makes that fastball sing. 

Aaron Sanchez talked to Kristina Rutherford. 

Three guesses on my favourite answer.

DeMarlo Hale talks to Richard Griffin about the influence of Muhammad Ali on his life.

Josh Donaldson was on Intentional Talk. 

Devon Travis talked to Tim of Tim and Sid.