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10 Things About a 10-1 Victory: Jays Take ALDS Game 1


That was fun.


This guy right here.

I don't know why some people are able to rise to an occasion and others can't. But Estrada is certainly one of those occasion risers. He actually seems to pitch better the higher the stakes. 

Marco Estrada could not have pitched better. What a boss. 


Does this mean the Texas media is finally going to get over this shit?


Was this opinion paid for? Because, wow.

Marcus Stroman has pitched really well of late, but calling him the Jays best pitcher is just wrong. It's wrong. 


 José Bautista handled it all like a champion. 

The gentle placement of his bat on the ground after his homer was delicious. Revenge is the best kind of revenge.

Also a champion, one of the OG Jays bloggers, Ian Hunter, with the line of the night.


More Estrada/Bautista post-game pressers, please.



 Alter ego names of Marvel Superheroes, particularly ones created by Stan Lee, are often alliterative. Peter Parker is Spider-man. Matt Murdock is Daredevil. Bruce Banner is the Incredible Hulk.

I think it's fitting that Troy Trevor Tulowitzki's name is also alliterative because boy has gone full beast mode. 


Rodger Brulotte needs to be famous in English Canada and in the rest of baseball. His calls are as iconic as any other in the game.

MLB noticed. 

Except it's not French, mes amis. It's French Canadian.  There is a difference.

Ostie d’calvaire, ostie d’ciboire
Câlisse de tabarnak

Ostie d’crisse de tabarnak
Ostie d’câlisse de viarge

That's more or less meaningless to a French person, but some seriously quality swearing in Quebec.  What does it say? Basically it's a bunch of different ways to say "fuck." 



This happened.

And I'm taking FULL CREDIT.