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We Called It The Pond

When I saw Jose Cano chirp at his son Robinson for taking too many pitches, I figured out how Cano junior got so good. The home run derby is too long, full of stupid banter ("It's in the pool! It's in the pool!!) But as Cano is the Yankee I'd pluck from the Yankees if I had a say and he does have a pretty swing. And Adrian Gonzalez gave it a good go, but I am relieved he didn't win, if only because it would give some sort of credence to the whole MVP nonsense. I actually read a tweet that said that Gonzalez should be MVP over Bautista because he plays the in field, and good infielders are harder to find than good outfielders.

The level of stupidity is alarming.

Cano's dad looked tough as nails and no nonsense, and I wish Papa Cano could've pitched to Bautista, too. A steely-eyed Dominican stand off might been the key to loosening Bautista up.

Maybe my favourite part of the derby is saying the player's kids. During the obnoxious country opener, there was a shot of a little boy, looking angry and covering his ears. The camera panned up, and the kid was in the lap of my favourite acrimonious third basemen, Scott Rolen. Of course the crabby kid is a Rolen. Big ups to @taoofstieb for the shot, and for that ode to Cecil's thighs.

Ricky Romero, who's smiling reaction yesterday to being named to the ASG was sweet, brought his siblings.

Prince Fielder (not Cecil, broadcast team) took the active booing from the Arizona crowd in stride. I didn't realize why they were booing until I heard that Fielder chose his teammate Rickie Weeks over Arizona's Justin Upton.

I heard Fielder's little son, who has a completely awesome blond afro, asked him, "Why are they booing?" and Fielder answered, "Cause they don't like me." They also showed footage of another one of Fielder's toddler-aged sons, expertly putting balls on a tee nearly as tall as he is, and getting his hacks in.

There were also a few shots of the little baby Bautista, who was a little bundle in a homemade "Bautista 19" sleeper. By homemade, I mean, draw on baby with Sharpie. It was probably done so she didn't get deported, because as you know, Arizona only likes foreigners when they hit baseballs to entertain them. She was snuggled right into her dad's neck, and Bautista waved her little hand at David Ortiz to say hi.

Last week, I missed the Toronto Star article on Adam Lind. Adam Lind has become one of my favourite players, not just because of his sweet swing and better than expected play at first, but for his simple world view that becomes evident in post-game interviews. This simplicity was illustrated perfectly in a quote where Lind is describing something from his childhood, “There was a pond,” says Adam, and after an appropriate pause: “We called it the Pond.”