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A Killer Clarinet

I humbly apologize for the lack of posting. When this happens, know that I usually watch every game and write about it, intermittently, in spurts of 140 characters on Twitter. It's a lot like what goes on here, just shorter. So if you have a true hankering, follow @HumandChuck.

The Seattle Mariners brought their version of the saddest show in the world to Toronto, and promptly got swept. Ichiro looks like a shell of his former self, and it breaks my heart. We all have to grow up sometime. I still like Mariner pitching-King Felix, Pineda and the unfortunately named Fister run the range of nice to fantastic arms. If the team can figure how to get the ball out of the infield, they may actually be a threat one day. Stupid AL West. It's barely a division. It's the Rangers and scraps.

Then the Jays rolled into Texas, and I had high hopes, because they have played really well in Texas of late. The first game was a blowout, and Arencibia, with his two homers, was the only offense. And yes, despite what some around the Internets might say, homers in blowouts still count.

The second game featured defensive replacement Corey Patterson. That should tell you enough. But I expand my analysis by saying terrible control plus terrible call at first plus terrible outfield play was the formula for the terrible 9th inning.

The series was salvaged with a brilliant start by Brett Cecil. Why was he so good, JP Arencibia?

"The biggest thing was keeping the ball down. Getting ahead, he threw strikes, when he got behind he was able to throw an offspeed for a strike. He kept them off balance. It was one of those things, where he has got good stuff, he has a number of pitches he can throw at any time, if he can throw them like that he can be pretty tough.”

Balls down, down, down-straight to hell. It's about controlling the strike zone, not just about velocity.

Dustin Parkes retweeted the link to this article that amused me to no end. Like, imagine if you only paid attention to your one team and also honestly believed that your GM had complete access to whatever any team had because all the other GMs are imbeciles. Like that Wilner caller. Now imagine, with that mindset, that you wrote an impassioned article about what move your GM should make at the trade deadline.

Yes, let's trade Brandon Morrow away for Wily Mo Pena, because we are 10 plus games back in the division in 2011. Because of this, the Jays will disband by 2012 and will no longer need a pitcher of any kind, let alone one of the caliber of Morrow. The players who decide to remain in Toronto will be banded together in a jazz ensemble and Wily Mo plays a killer clarinet. I know, how about you just give us Justin Upton for nothing?

More Twitter fun from @captainlatte, an old recording of a Zito voicemail....featuring incarceration, quarantine and a unicorn named Powder.

And what do the insane wear to the White House?

I can't find The Franchise beyond the first episode anywhere, but I have my eyes open for it.