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Only These Things

Weird and wonderful things happened in today's game.

Above is a picture of Escobar explaining rule 6.05 b, probably in Spanish, to an umpire, who really should know better. As it's, like, his job and all. You can't ring a guy up on 2 strikes, Mark Carlson. It's just not allowed.

I like that when Farrell ran out to protest, Escobar just sort of stood there pointing at the scoreboard and Varitek was looking down, clearly thinking "I totally know there are only two strikes but I'm not going to say anything or even look up and maybe it'll stand. Maybe I'll make the Jays feel really bad about themselves and hit a homer. Yes." And Lackey thought, "Damn, I'm good."

It's admirable the way Carlson maintained an air of belligerence, refusing to change his mind, even when there were significant indicators that he was wrong. He maintained that air even when he changed his call.

Alan Ashby declared, "We are gonna have to straighten this one out." And they did.

Mike McCoy pitched, got a 3 up-3 down in the 9th with some sort of knuckle pitch. At least judging by the way Molina was catching them.

And Encarnacion got a 2 run homer and looked less like a Sad Panda. I would like to think something inspired from this helped:

Notice this game report is on little, marginal amusements.

And that's all that happened. ALL THAT HAPPENED.