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The Ballad of Doc and AJ: The Last Verse

In which Doc and AJ part ways. Doc stays in a place that holds his heart and wins the Cy Young. AJ sells his heart to highest bidder and dies a horrible, fiery death.

No, not really. But it should be really fucking interesting to see AJ pitch under the white hot spotlight of New York City, especially under the anal regime that is the Yankees. Heh, anal regime. Anyway, the thing I always kind of liked about AJ is his free-spirited approach to just about everything and the Yankees are known to cracked down on such shit. Oh well, maybe he'll get hurt.

I also find it kind of obnoxious that the Yankees just threw nearly a quarter of a billion dollars at two already rich guys, to play in their giant new stadium which should be named "Yuppie Asshole Heaven", in the middle of a massive economic crisis. But that's just the biz. And yes, I am jealous. DO SOMETHING GOOD, J.P., YOU DAMNED MASSHOLE!!!