Odds and Ends about The End
Vernon Wells actually got to 20 HRs. Dubs has been injured on and off, but frankly kicked all kinds of ass when he wasn't. 2 homeruns today in a rout of the other, sadder, oranger AL East bird team.
My love buzz buzzed a little less loudly when I read this in Cathal Kelly's piece in the Star about AJ and the Jays rumoured offer:
"Nice," he said, nodding his head approvingly. "That's more than I thought they would come up with (pause). Here, at least." But is it enough? "We'll see," Burnett said, with a grin.
Oh, fuck you.
Catching up with SOSH:The Blue Jays are a major pain in the ass.
I don't read SOSH when the Sox beat the Jays because what is the point of hearing assholes crow about how awesome they are? Comments like this more or less sum it up:
"An "O-VER-RA-TED" Chant for Cano would be sweet to couple with the MVP chants that will be greeting Dustin."
Yeah...sweet is just the word I'd use.
Anyway... they made some interesting comments about Doc the last time he faced them...this one was especially so:
"Halladay and Burnett look like they have the same father. The difference is that Halladay's mother is the father's sister while Burnett's mother is the father's cousin. "
So you are suggesting that, between the two of them, Doc seems more inbred?
Perhaps a more puzzling comment was this one:
"I'm starting to think that any time Roy throws a pitch, the fans expect it to be called a strike."
Um, are you new?
So here marks the end of the 2008 Jays Season...
The Big Hurt + denboed - Gibby + Cito's awesomeness x (Lind + Snider) / Rolen "I can't believe I past my physical" + (Doc's awesomeness - Scutaro's MVP) x (AJ not injured + Peaches injured) x (Marcum + Litsch sent down) + (Eckstein's grit + Hill's head) x (VDub + awesome - injured + playing Roy's mom) + Brandy Halladay's canned good collecting = 4th place.
Tonight I phoned in to the DJF podcast's phone in show. Since I had never actually been invited on that show, I figured I needed to crash that shit. It was confusing, loud and short, just how I always imagined an evening with the Drunk Jays Fans.
I want to thank all of you for reading, and to those of you who commented and emailed (I actually checked that after a month). Please comment. I don't really know how many people are actually reading since the DJF site eliminated that thing that showed how many people clicked on their links. Frankly, I need the validation of stangers.
And thanks Jays, for those 2 weeks in September when it seemed like stuff mattered. Thanks for being so consistantly weird, funny and frankly, kind of gay. Try for some playoffs next year, huh boys?