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Blowing it a little more out of proportion

Of course the whole AJ thing is blown out of proportion. But since it's an off-day, I'll keep talking about it.

I find it kind of rich that AJ makes these "give me a town with baseball fans" comments the same week that he says he gets nervous and wants to impress Toronto fans, and that's why his record sucks at home. So more diehard fans make you less nervous? The fuck?

A more insane baseball town like New York would eat his liver, like that eagle ate Prometheus'.

Oh, he's a talented bonehead. Bless him. How much less fun would this be without these guys saying stupid shit? Stupid shit is the stuff of life.

And to the commentor (thanks to all, btw) who suggested that drunken sluts might just be AJ's type. Yeah, they would be totally his type. But when he fails to live up to expectations (because, that's just who he is), they would become the type of girl to burn his shirts, cut up his boxers and leave threatening/crying messages on his voicemail. And then spread rumours about his package.

Meanwhile, what the hell is wrong with the offense? Completely lost in the forest of suck. For nearly a season and a half. Is someone on this? Anyone?