Where goeth Show Pony?

ARod's (or Slappy McBluelips, to some Sox fans or Cat Dick, according to Drunk Jays Fans) agent Scott Boras announced, I think maybe during the 7th inning stretch of Game 4, that his client would be opting out of his contract with the Yankees and filing for free agency. Boras later apologized when the MLB got all pissy at him for distracting from the WS. Personally, I would have done an announcement that was even more distracting. I'm thinking naked parachutists with the message painted on thier bodies landing in centre field and sprinting towards Youkilis. If only to give Fox Sports new talking points, instead of the whole "dynasty/sweep/ is Beckett Jesus?" chant they were droning.
So, this all begs the question... Where does Show Pony prance next year?
Does he prance in Toronto? Yes, he does fear the wrath of Sparrow, but Sparrow will most likely fly somewhere more "National" next season. Jays need a shortstop that can hit, unless Denbo can work miracles with J-Effin' Mac.
J.P. did claim that the Jays couldn't afford Show Pony's stud fee, but everyone knows J.P. is a big fucking liar. Dollar parity!! Dan Schulman was on Prime Time yesterday and he said that he thought the Jays should just go crazy and spend, because the Yankees haven't been this weak in years. So what does that mean? BASEBALL SHOPPING SPREE!!!
Come on, Mr.Jazz Hands, give us a spin. We already know how much you like Toronto's nightlife. I'm sure there are many big armed women there!!!