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Johnny, don't you know?

Well, Johnny Damon was kind of awesome last night. He went to the left field stands and gave some fans a ball. They gave him a $20 and he took the $20 and gave it to a kid further down the line. Then the ball-receiving fans waited for Johnny to go back to the dugout, beat up the kid and retrieved their beer money.*

Plus, Johnny congratulated JMac on his shiny new contract.

Plus, he said this about the Jays : "I think that might be the best pitching staff in the league. Detroit hasn't been healthy all year I know and you have to look at Anaheim and Boston. But these guys, all of them throw the ball well. I really tip my hat to those guys. They're a scary team, they're really close."

Sigh. You forgot to say biggest teases ever. Stupid team.

*artistic license