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A Decade of Hum and Chuck: Rallycap Andy on...

I can't say for sure how long I've been reading hum and chuck. Not since the beginning but long before I ever sent out a tweet (or knew what one was for that matter). 


What I can say is that she is my ace. Funny. Smart. Poignant. She mixes her pitches and throws them all well. When I went to school for Journalism this is what I would have wanted to create. Only Joanna did it better. And if you want to write about Toronto baseball well.... look around. This is the bar. It has been set. HumandChuck is the queen of all Blue Jays blogs.


Long may she reign.

I don't even know what to say about this guy. Andy understands, maybe more than anyone else, the inherent goofiness of this game and how to express that goofiness for social media. This is an art. Taking baseball plays and hooking them into current events, internet memes and pop culture. 

Why teams aren't paying him millions to create hilarious content for fans to eat with a spoon and come back for more is baffling to me. Andy should be creating these things while sitting on piles of money. 

Andy is also unfailingly kind to me and this blog. I mean, I ask him for a paragraph about baseball and he writes an ode to me.  He's great with a pep talk and supports my delusions (he's aware of what I mean.) He's just one of the best. 


More genius.


You can find this and other fine examples of the tweeting art here
